A blog on general issues touching the black community!
Why the term “black excellence” is a thing
For a very long time, black people took the sidelines in everything (from politics to social and economical policies), whether as a result of contentment with the status quo or the fact that they never wanted to change the order of things or oppression, no one can really tell. What we know is that for a long time, blacks were subjected to other people’s school of thoughts, opinions and directions and for a long time, black people continually and consistently soaked the pressure in.
For a very long time, black people had to work twice as hard as other to get what they wanted even when they were obviously qualified. We were denied the use of core facilities or even enjoy the benefits of having a normal life just because we were “black”.
Of course, except a material is actually suspended in the air through an artificial or natural means, the law of gravity states that it would still come down. This was the situation with the black community. Perhaps the reason why the pressure was so absorbed is because the early black people realized the fact that some day, somehow, the status quo would be changed by some dynamic and radical minds who actually recognize the need to have a balanced society one devoid of unnecessary class system and cultural segregation.
Yes, black excellence!
One of the most admirable qualities the black community possess is the ability to come together to raise a common voice all geared towards being treated better, being accorded the respect any human sure deserves. The recognition of these qualities is what birthed the term black excellence.
We soon realized that we were humans too, we found our voices and our spirits were rejuvenated. Steadily, from MLK to Nelson Mandela to other notable voices in the fight for the black freedom, the term was coined.
The term black excellence was and is used in relation to a race, a community of people who have bonded because they were presented with no other choices but to. The term is used for a collection of individuals who are bound by like minds who also share the need to be heard and felt the more. It is needless to rehash how far the realization that we had voices that deserves to be heard has helped the black community.
And finally, the term black excellence is used in reference to someone whose activities represent the black community and whose voice speaks together with ours in our bid to get treated better. This is why the term black excellence is a thing and factually speaking would remain a thing for a very long while!